Friday, May 21, 2010

Challenges in drawing everyday

Well, I have been trying to get into this habit for a while now. And I have faced one big problem.

I can't wait to finish off a sketchbook and get demotivated and impatient when the last page seems too far away. I like the feeling of finishing something. That moment when you can say "OK, done! What's next?" I end up starting many sketchbooks and each one has a hundred pages or so and they are never full.

Instead, now I've decided to try sketchbooks with fewer pages. Maybe 25-30. I know they are hard to find. (Do they even make such books?) One fun alternative is to make your own books. You can find many resources online. Here are a few:

a. Check out the sewing technique to make books which lie flat.

b. This lady has turned bookbinding into an art.

c. Instructables. Many more posts on this site. Do explore.

Enough chit-chat now. Pick up a pen and draw and don't forget to share your story here! :)

Till next time,

Happy drawing!


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